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Are custom printed Coloring Pencils a great way to keep children entertained at formal family events?

Posted by Gail, Pencilier on Jan 18th 2019

Are custom printed Coloring Pencils good for children invited to a wedding? We recently received this question. The answer is that if there will be a childrens table and the parents want the children to behave, custom printed coloring pencils can help keep the kids entertained.

The follow-up was if each child needed their own set of custom printed coloring pencils? Depending on the number of children and the number of childrens' tables, mostly likely not. Communal coloring pencils should be fine, and with all the expenses associated with a wedding, there is no need to go overboard with unnecessary sets.

I hope this helps. It is a great idea for any event where parents want to be able to socialize with adults and yet children are invited.