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Brighten a winter day with personalized coloring pencils

Brighten a winter day with personalized coloring pencils

Posted by Gail, Pencilier on Jan 1st 2019

Winter is the time of year we find ourselves inside a lot. A great way to pass the time and brighten your mood & surroundings is by making vibrant drawings.  Personalized coloring pencils make drawing more fun for children and adults.  There isi something uniquely special about seeing one's name on pencils.

Explicitly Yours offers coloring pencils in different vibrant variety sets of 12, 24 and 50 coloring shades.  All of our coloring pencils are manufacturer sharpened without ferrules or erasers.  Coloring pencils are available in both round and hexagonal styles.

Fabulous adult coloring books by artist Pam Corwin are also available for purchase along with personalized coloring pencils. Adults who are temporarily in the hospital with little to do love adult coloring books. It brightens their day and helps time pass faster.  Parents can color in their adult coloring books alongside children coloring kids coloring books.  Elderly relatives and friends who find themselves housebound for much of the day or week are less likely to become depressed when coloring vibrant pictures.  Personalized coloring pencils boost mood and that's a good thing!